Title |
Feminist poster by a Galician labor union
Description |
This poster is an example of three different causes being defended together: class struggle, oppressed nations, and feminism. The text says "Galician working class feminism". The female face is the nineteenth century poet Rosalía de Castro, who wrote very powerful feminist poems. On the bottom there is the CIG labor union logo together with the Galician independentist movement flag.
Date Created |
19 May 2021
Publisher |
Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG)
Subject | |
Contributor |
Rights |
This item was submitted on May 19, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Add your own material” on the site “Feminist Approaches to Youth Sexualities”: https://archives.reanimatingdata.co.uk/s/fays
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